张幼宽:Does groundwater pumping affect ground surface temperature?
美国亚利桑那大学水文学博士,南方科技大学讲座教授。曾任美国爱荷华大学地球与环境科学系终身教授、爱荷华水利科学研究所终身研究员、南京大学思源教授、南京大学水科学研究中心主任。2005年当选美国地质学会会士,2019年当选意大利博洛尼亚科学院院士。已主持40余项美国和中国政府资助的科研项目,包括担任国家重大水专项十一五“淮河流域水污染治理技术研究与集成示范”项目负责人。 发表了论文100多篇,内容涉及非均质介质中地下水污染物弥散理论、河流径流和基流以及地下水水位变化的尺度效应、土地利用和地表覆盖对流域水循环的影响、土壤与地下水污染修复、基岩裂隙水分布及富集规律与合理开发利用等。现任或曾任多个国际水资源与水环境专业刊物(Ground Water,Stochastic Environmental Research & Risk Assessment,Vadose Zone Journal)副主编、美国地球物理协会地下水专业委员会委员、中国地球科学促进会(IPACES)主席。
We’ll answer this question in the seminar with a coupled ParFlow.CLM model representing subsurface and land-surface processes and their interactions was applied in the North China Plain (NCP) at high spatio-temporal resolutions. The model was validated using the water and energy fluxes reported in previous studies and from the JRA-55 reanalysis. Numerical experiments were designed to examine the impacts of groundwater pumping and irrigation on the ground surface temperature (GST). Results show significant effects of groundwater pumping on GST in the NCP. Generally, the subsurface acts as a buffer to temporal variations in heat fluxes at the land-surface, but long-term pumping can gradually weaken this buffer, leading to increases in the spatio-temporal variability of GST, as exemplified by hotter summers and colder winters. Considering that changes of water table depth (WTD) can significantly affect land surface heat fluxes when WTD ranges roughly between 0.01–10 m, the 0.5 m/year increase of WTD simulated by the model due to pumping can continue to increase the regional averaged WTD and hence, perturb GST for about 20 years after groundwater pumping began in the NCP, before WTD exceeds 10 m. The variations of GST are expected to increase faster initially and gradually slow down due to the nonlinear behaviors of GST with WTD. The findings from this study in the NCP may also have implications for other regions with groundwater depletion.
梁修雨,南方科技大学研究副教授,博士生导师。2012年毕业于南京大学,获水文学及水资源专业博士学位。曾任南京大学水科学研究中心助理研究员、副研究员。主要从事地下水资源与环境方向的研究工作,重点关注界面水动力过程,具体包括:饱和-非饱和水流耦合模拟、地表水-地下水交互作用、地下水流及溶质的时间尺度性、土壤污染气体运移模拟等。在水资源领域主流学术期刊Water Resources Research,Water Research,Hydrology and Earth System Sciences,Journal of Hydrology等上发表科技论文40余篇。主持包括国家自然科学基金、科技部重大专项子课题、国家水专项子任务和省自然科学基金项目5项。现任国际学术期刊Vadose Zone Journal和Stochastic Environmental Research & Risk Assessment副主编。